Monday, November 25, 2013

Many are cold, but few are frozen. Baby, it's cold outside.

So, let's just say that I've been a slacker on birthdays, big time. Sorry everyone who's had a birthday, but my mind tends to be elsewhere most of the time somehow:)

Quote of the week:

Me--while talking to someone at a door: "nd acally on at wbte, peeb ferm arnd the wrld, nd Fredton in prticlar, v cratd profls bot ho thir blfs ve blsd thir lves."

----Translation: "And actually on that website, people from around the world, and Fredericton in particular, have created profiles about how their beliefs have blessed their lives."----

It's so hard to try to smile and speak at the same time when your face is too frozen to move.

This week was a humbling week. Elders Evanson and Campbell (zone leaders) challenged us to sacrifice something--to put something on the altar--to bring us greater faith and success. Sister Sandberg and I decided to sacrifice thoughts and conversation that weren't focused on the work. Seeing the blessings that came from that was miraculous. Here are some of the results that came from our sacrifice:

1) 5 new investigators. This is the highest number of new investigators in one week I've ever had on my mission.
2) New ideas. Our minds weren't caught up in things from home, so we were more open to creative ideas to receive more revelation.
3) The highest key indicators in one week I've had on my mission yet. By 8.
4) An even closer relationship with my companion.
5) A deeper trust with the members in my ward.

So, for our 5 new investigators. They pretty much all came from tracting.  Two of them (Tanya* and Betty*) are going to school at UNB. Two of them (Phil* and Darcee*) are a couple and we will go back to see them later this week. They are sincere, and after we introduced the Book of Mormon to them, and testified of its truth and power, they said, "I'm excited to read this!!" The fifth investigator (Greg*) we knocked into a few weeks ago who has been hard to catch at home. But we taught him the restoration last night. The Spirit was strong and we invited him to be baptized. He said yes to baptism and no to a date, but we're seeing him again tonight and feel confident that if he is prepared, he will be accepting. A family from Congo showed up in church yesterday, and we're going to teach them later this week and hopefully pick them up as investigators. It's a French-speaking family of 6 (but we only counted the women who came), and so I was able to bear my testimony to them and pray in French during Sunday school, which was humbling and interesting! The French-speaking members of the ward jumped on board to help teach them, and we're really excited for the family's potential and the ways this will open the doors to working more closely with the members. We feel completely overwhelmed with the blessings that have come to our area this week.

....And transfers come Sunday morning:) Haha and we know we're not going to be together another transfer. Sigh. Just when things are going great....!:)

Love you all. The Church is true. Sacrifice works.

Love love love,

Sister Lewis

Monday, November 18, 2013

Didn't have time to write a big letter today! Sorry! Gotta run!

It was one of those days.
BEST FAMILY AWARD GOES TOOOOOO..... The Lewis family:))))))))

Playing with some of the kids in the ward.